Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Week Nine

  • Had lots of daddy/daughter nights.  It was all-county jazz week, so mom had rehearsals on Tuesday night, Thursday night, Friday, and Saturday.  Daddy and Maddie enjoy hanging out together!
  • Hung out with Melanie and Katie while mommy went to work.  Melanie watched Maddie on Friday morning and Katie watched her on Saturday during the band concert.  They all had a great time together and Maddie was a little princess. :)
  • Helped mommy celebrate her 29th birthday!  We spent Sunday hanging out at home together and then went for a nice walk in the Bjorn.  It was a little chilly outside that day and daddy wanted Maddie to wear a hat.  When I came out with her in the hat, he said -- "What's that---she can't wear that?!?!"  See the pictures below for her cute little hat!
  • Had a fun night with Courtney and Philip while mommy and daddy went out for Sushi to celebrate mommy's birthday.  We went to mom's favorite Sushi place, Amura, and had lots of great sushi, wine, and dessert.  It was a nice quiet birthday.  When we got home, Courtney was putting Maddie in her pjs and she was passed out...I guess Aunt Courtney and Uncle Philip are a lot of fun!
  • Attended her first jazz band dress rehearsal.  On Saturday morning I had to go to the all-county jazz band dress rehearsal, so Maddie tagged along.  She really enjoyed all of the music and even fell asleep during the rehearsal.
  • Kept with her 7pm bedtime all week.  She is pretty consistent with eating at 7pm and then going down around 8pm.  She has been sleeping until anywhere between 1:30-2:30am.  6-7 hours is not too bad! She still gets up one more time between 4:30-5:30am and then she up for the day at 7am!
  • Went through another growth spurt.  She took some really long naps this week and ate like a champ!  Feedings turned into 30-40 minutes.
  • Went to her first birthday party.  Vinny next door turned 29 on Saturday and had a few friends over for yummy BBQ.  Maddie enjoyed checking out all of the other people..especially her friend Jacob! Her and daddy ended up having to leave the party a little early because she ran out of food and decided to drink 5oz of milk before bed!
  • Had her two month check-up with the pediatrician on her nine week birthday.  She is doing very well and meeting all of her milestones so far.  This was also the day for her first round of immunizations.  She turned every color of red, blue, and purple combined, but quickly fell asleep and stayed asleep for a good 4-5 hours.  We went out and ran errands after her appointment and she slept the entire time.  At about 3pm, she woke up screaming in pain, so I gave her some children's tylenol and she went back to sleep until 6pm.  At 6pm, she woke as happy as could be, so we were able to take her 9 week photos (that's why she's in her pjs).  I was afraid that since she slept all day her nighttime routine would be all messed up, but she still ate at 7pm and then went to sleep for 6 hours.
  • Broke out of her swaddle 3 nights in a row.  Everytime I would wake up around 2am, I would find her with her little arms outside the swaddle.  We finally just started putting her in a sleep sack and she's fine. 
  • Is still keeping a great daily routine of eat-play-sleep.  I have figured out her cues and cries, so as long as I pay attention to that and the time we manage to get through the day with very little fussiness!
  • Continues to go to sleep on her own.  We always put her down awake and within 20 minutes she is fast asleep.  The magic sleep window is for real!  If we miss the window she doesn't last the entire 6-7 hours...it's so crazy how much of a routine they have when they are so little.  
  • Wakes up everyday at about 7am...ready to play!  I use to be able to go back to sleep after her 7am feeding and stay asleep until almost 10am..those days are over!
  • LOVES her gym!  We play 4-5 times a day on the gym.  She kicks, talks, smiles, and does tummy time...it's so fun to watch!
  • SMILES, SMILES, SMILES, and TALKS, TALKS, TALKS!  She is getting cuter and more fun each and everyday!
2 Month Stats...
Weight- 10lbs. 12oz.
Length- 22 1/4in.
Head - 15 1/4in.
She is in the 50th percentile for all her measurements.  She is very average in size and way above average in intelligence, personality, and cuteness!

Daddy and Maddie...so cute!


Mommy and Maddie heading out to the Jazz Band concert!

The Hart girls!

Noah has found Maddie's toys...he enjoyed dragging out various stuffed animals from her room all weekend.  They never got destroyed, but random monkeys and bears were found throughout the house!

Ready for our birthday walk!

Her cute hat from Aunt Kara and Uncle Chris, thanks guys!

Happy 29th Birthday, mommy! 

Our family!

Maddie playing in her crib while mom put her clothes away and cleaned up her room.

Looking at the mobile


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Look at that big smile! She is so stinkin' cute.
    And I love her lamb hat! I wanted to buy Charlotte a lamb hat and when I showed it to her, she looked at it and told me, "No".

  3. Love her smile! I meant to tell you too on this one that you should also frame the picture of you two here before the jazz concert and the one of the three of you! She's actually smiling in that one too, which is so hard to get!

    And I'm glad she looks as adorable in the lamb hat as I thought she would! Tell her Daddy that she's a little girl and little girls are meant to wear silly hats and bows and look adorable in them. Especially bald little girls :-)!

    Love you guys!
