Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Week Thirteen

  • Got back into our normal routine on Thursday and Friday after being sick.
  • Took her first really big car trip up to Niceville.  Our original plan was to leave on Friday night while she slept, so we didn't have to stop so much and fed her.  With all of the sickness we were back and forth about going and didn't have everything together on time, so we decided to leave Saturday morning.  She did exceptionally well in the car and we only had to stop once.  Shawn still has to get use to the new length of stops now.  We got breakfast in Lake City around 9am, but with us eating in the car, feeding her, changing her, and walking Noah, it turned into a 45 minute stop! 
  • Did very well in Niceville...Shawn and I did not.
  • Me, Shawn, Granny, and Grandpa all got sick and our vacation turned into a stay-on-the-couch-cation.  
  • We finally got well and got back to Orlando to enjoy the remainder of our break.
  • Maddie turned 3 months old and 13 weeks old on our 3 year anniversary!  That's right, Maddie was born exactly 9 months to the day after our 2nd wedding anniversary. ;)
Unfortunately, that was pretty much it!  Weeks 12 and 13 were sort of a blur between being back at work, Maddie getting sick, and then Shawn and I getting sick.  We are all back to normal, so stay tuned to week 14 for more fun! :)

Shawn and Maddie at Destin Commons

Granny feeding Maddie outside of Starbucks

Maddie hanging out at Granny's house while everyone else is sick. 

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