Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Week Twenty-Five

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!
  • Started eating oatmeal and brown rice cereal 3 times a day.  We eat breakfast at about 7am, lunch at 11am, and dinner at 5pm.  
  • Went with mommy and daddy to the store and bought our Vitamix blender, so we can make her food!  It is such a wonderful kitchen appliance and so far all the food has been so easy to make...and cheap!  One sweet potato (probably about $.75) made enough food for a whole week!
  • Added in vegetables during lunchtime.  Our first vegetable was sweet potatoes and she loved them!
  • Is really getting the hang of eating.  She is still messy, still sticks her fingers in her mouth, but she loves to eat!
  • Bangs on the highchair tray when she sits down for mealtime.  As soon as she gets in the highchair she knows what's coming and gets super excited!
  • LOVES her daddy!  Now that I'm home with her all day, I'm much less exciting, so when daddy gets home it's super fun time with lots of smiles!
  • Took daddy to dinner for his first father's day.  We went to Bahama Breeze and she did very well.  She is still a little too small for the highchairs there since there is a small back, so we held her in our laps.  She ate her cereal there and luckily didn't make too much of a mess.  
  • Maddie made her daddy a nice card for father's day.  She did her own artwork and managed to get very little red paint on the ground!
  • Went for a fun day of shopping with Courtney on Father's Day while daddy went golfing with his friends!  We didn't get much, but we had fun strolling around!
  • Got a new toy...my pal Violet.  I saw this at cousin Kalia's house and decided that my little girl had to have this!  You can program it from the computer and personalize it.  Violet knows Maddie name and all her favorite things.  She loves playing with her pal, Violet.
  • Had a playdate with Candance, Kelly, Brayden, Catherine and Jacob.  Our friend Candance from FSU is a military wife and is back home for the summer before she moves to NY with her hubby.  We haven't seen her in almost 2 years, so we all had a big lunch party with the kiddos!  This was her first time meeting Maddie or Brayden...oh how things have changed since college!
  • Went to lunch with mommy and her friends, Lindsay and Chris.  She gave Chris a wonderful greeting by spitting up milk all over his shirt, but he was a great sport about it!  After lunch, I attempted to make a trip to Hobby Lobby for some house decorations, but Maddie let me know what she thought about shopping (after missing her afternoon nap).  I carried her while pushing the stroller with the other hand, bought my one item I already had in the cart, and promptly headed home.  She immediately fell asleep in the car for our ride home.  I had messed up both naps that day and Maddie let me know by screaming for about 15 minutes before bedtime!!
  • Started walking with some of the neighbors.  Our neighborhood is like pleasantville...you can find families walking with their kids and dogs anytime of day and everyone waves when you drive by.  We also have TONS of kids all the same age.  Depending on everyone's schedules, we sometimes do our morning walks with one of our neighbors, Kristen and her 3.5 month old daughter, Addison. It's nice to have some adult time during the day when your entire day revolves around an infant! 
  • LOVES the jumperoo!  She jumps non stop in that thing!  
  • Found both of her feet and enjoys putting them in her mouth whenever she gets the chance.  It actually comes in handy on the changing table! :)
  • I have officially become a SAHM (well for 9 weeks)...I have only used the blow dryer on my hair once in 3 weeks, I only wear shorts, tank tops, and flip flops, I live with smell of milk on me, and I do at least one load of laundry a day!  I have SO much respect for anyone who does this job 365 days a year.  It is truly not a 9-5 job, but it's a great one!

Maddie and her friend Violet

In the stroller heading to dinner for Father's Day!
Happy Daddy's Day....We love you!
Sweet Potatoes for the first time!
All Done!
"Mom, that was good!"
"I'm gonna get you birdie!"

In my new pool with my friend Brayden
"Brayden, what are you doing with that thing?"
"Mom, why is the bathtub outside and why is this boy in here?"
"I'm not so sure about this!"
Happy Daddy's Day dinner!
Mealtime out in public...a tab bit messy!
Maddie's artwork for daddy
Green peas!  Yummo
Homemade sweet potato puree....only the best for my little girl!
Brayden and Jacob 
Brayden says, "Hey...this use to be at my house!"

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