Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week Fifteen

  • Rolls over much better now on both sides and from her back to her tummy and tummy to her back!  She started rolling a lot more this past weekend, but the teachers all noticed on Monday and were just so impressed with our little gymnast. :)
  • Has gained a ton of weight!  I'm not sure how much she weighs, but she really has packed it on!
  • Is eating 7oz in her bottles.  They noticed at daycare that she was crying every hour and forty-five minutes for another 5oz bottle, so they talked to me and we decided to move her up.  She drink a 7oz bottle every 3 hours during the day.  She is eating 5 times a day now (21oz at daycare and nurses twice - morning and night).
  • Continues to give the teachers at daycare a run for their money with her poopy diapers!  She very rarely ever comes home in the same outfit I take her in.
  • Had her first Easter!  We had some friends come over to our house for Easter lunch and Maddie had a great time.  She played with her friend, Brayden, and got lots of new fun things from her Grandparents and the Easter bunny!  Last year we especially remember Easter Sunday...that was the day we found out that we were expecting our little bundle of joy!  We told Maddie that, but I don't think she understood. :)
  • Went for a walk around the neighborhood in the Bjorn and to the playground on Saturday.  Shawn and I took turns going down the slide with her, but she didn't seem too interested yet.  We still have her front facing the Bjorn, but I think that is about over.  She was fussy during the walk and kept turning her head wanting to see out the side.  She isn't too interested in things unless she can see everything...I don't blame her!
  • Went to breakfast at the diner again.  I just love our little small town diner near our house.  It is only about a mile from the house and they have the BEST breakfast.  We never go out to eat, so this is our treat...although Shawn said it's probably not good for our cholesterol!  This week we took a bottle with us and fed her while we were there.  She drank her bottle and then sat on my lap while we ate.  She was so cute and put her hands on the table like a big girl.  She was trying to reach for my plate and kept looking all around at all the other people.  One little girl in a high chair next to us kept turning around pointing at her and saying, "baby" with a big smile!  
  • Had picture day at school.  I brought her dress from Great Granny Middleton and the teachers said she was super cute and great with the photographer!  I can't wait to see her pictures. :)  They even took a class picture at school, too!
  • Is starting to sleep almost the entire night!  After her growth spurt she moved back to eating at 6pm, 2am, and 5am for a few nights, which was her normal routine.  Soon after, she decided that she likes sleep and now only wakes up sometime in the 4 o'clock hour.  She had one day that she slept until 6am, but that's not quite habit yet. 
  • Falls asleep just about anywhere.  One morning she got up around 6:30am and Shawn and I were still getting ready for work, so we put her on the play gym in our room.  We looked over after she had been playing awhile and she was fast asleep laying on the floor.  She also fell asleep on the bathroom floor while I was trying to get her bath ready! 
  • Has become a little drool machine.  In her weekly photos you can see where she soaked her onesie and is eating her hands.  She had a little bit of a temperature that night and it was gone in the morning, so I'm wondering if it really might be related to teething.  I got my first tooth at 6 months, so maybe something is shifting around in her mouth!
Maddie and Noah hangin' out.  She likes to grab for his head now, but he gets too excited and wants to give her a bath all over.  

Maddie listening to her bunny toy from Granny

"What's that you say about the Easter bunny?"

"Really?  He brings a basket full of goodies?"

"Bunny, you talk a lot!"

"You just wait...I talk a lot too!"

Maddie and her stink eye look!

"Mom, I'm too tired to take a bath...can't we just go the bed stinky?"

"Ok Mom, you put this jabbering bunny on my tray...now what am I suppose to do?"

Maddie and Brayden

Bath time in her new tub that sits inside the big tub! 

Maddie with her Easter basket

Hunting Easter eggs...Maddie was thinking hard about which one she wanted!

Brayden will take the yellow and Maddie goes for the purple

Maddie decided that Easter egg hunting was tiring and wanted to nap instead!

Brayden was a champ!  He put the Easter eggs in the basket and also took them all out...next year we'll have to teach him how to play the game!

No Brayden, the Easter eggs go inside the basket! :)

Maddie sportin' her cool shades from the Easter bunny.  She was really ready for a nap! 

Maddie says, "Hey Mr. Josh...you seem like a nice guy!"

Maddie's not sure what to think about Tony...don't worry Maddie, sometimes we're not sure either!  

Maddie's playing hard to get!

"I don't think so Brayden...daddy told me not to look at boys until I'm 30!"

Maddie's famous neck turn...we haven't figured out how she can bend like that!

Best buds!

Watching the Masters with daddy (no, we don't let her watch TV, but it was a cute photo!)

She can't wait to play golf with daddy!  

Daddy is telling Maddie all about the LPGA!

Maddie loves her bunny from Grandma and Grandpa Hart


  1. She just falls asleep?!?! Just FALLS ASLEEP?!?! What the heck?!?!?! :-D Tell her to rub off on her cousin Kalia when she comes over please! :-) Those pictures of her and her bunny and her and Shawn on the couch are priceless. I love them - so cute!! Her face expressions are adorable! Just a few more weeks till we get to see her, can't wait!! Lots of love!

  2. We will work on Maddie sharing her sleeping habits! She is so funny..I guess she just gets tired and decides to sleep no matter where she is...crazy! Can't wait to see you guys, too.
