Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Week Two

Week two can be summed up by the famous phrase, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch".  We found out that week two is much harder than week one.  Shawn went back to work and all of visitors had to go back home, which gave us even more challenges...thank goodness for all of our frozen meals!
  • Had one night where Maddie slept for 5 hours straight!  It was the best night I've had in 2 weeks.
  • Had six other nights where Maddie decided to be up every hour until 4am when she finally slept for 3 hours...3 hours feels like a full nights sleep at this point!
  • Went through a growth spurt, which is why her sleeping was a bit crazy! 
  • Doesn't cry too much, but when she does, I'm pretty sure the whole neighborhood knows she's up!
  • Mom and dad are still trying to figure out her different cries and what they all mean.  Until then, we fed her, change her, rock her, and then stare at each other in confusion.
  • Went for a few walks in her stroller.  She did much better this week and I think she really enjoyed herself.  The 30 minute walk is like heaven for mommy. :)
  • Opens her eyes a lot more, but still only has 1 or 2 really awake moments during the day.
  • Loves sleeping in her bouncy chair and swing.  This makes it possible for mom to nap and shower everyday!
  • Mom met a friend at Starbucks on Saturday in between feedings while dad stayed home with Maddie...a Chai tea latte and sunshine was a huge blessing for mom!
On her two week birthday, Maddie and mommy went to the pediatrian all by ourselves.  This was mom's first time taking Maddie out alone and we all did great!  Maddie had a great appointment.  She went potty on both the nurse and the doctor!

Her two week stats were:
Weight - 7lbs 6oz (45%) - regained her birth weight and beyond 
Height - 20in (55%) - grew 1/2 inch from birth
Head - 14cm (55%) - grew 1 inch from birth

Week two visitors included- The Eaddy family (Jack, LaShonda, and Jill) and Melanie

Shawn calls Maddie our little Buddha girl

Trying tummy time on the boppy

Enjoying some swing time

She loves the swing!

Melanie and Maddie

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Her eyes are wide open on the boppy... Does she like tummy time?
